Title: Neighborhood Favorites
Grade Level: K
Subjects: Language Arts, Social Studies
Time Needed: 1 class period
Overview: Students will share their favorite parts of the neighborhood.
Books for read aloud: Franklin’s Neighborhood by Paulette Bourgeois,
Brenda Clark
Writing utensils
Goal 1: Read with understanding and fluency.
B. Apply reading strategies to improve understanding and fluency.
- 1.B.1a: Establish purposes for reading, make predictions, connect important ideas, and link text
to previous experiences and knowledge.
- 1.B.1c: Continuously check and clarify for understanding (e.g., reread, read ahead, use visual and
context clues, ask questions, retell, use meaningful substitutions).
Goal 2: Read and understand literature representative of various societies, eras and
B. Read and interpret a variety of literary works.
- 2.B.1c: Relate character, setting and plot to real-life situations.
Goal 17: Understand world geography and the effects of geography on society, with an
emphasis on the United States.
Locate, describe and explain places, regions and features on the Earth.
- 17.A.1a: Identify physical characteristics of places, both local and global (e.g., locations, roads,
regions, bodies of water)
Students will identify their favorite parts of their neighborhoods.
Behavioral Objectives:
Students will be able to:
Identify and state in words their favorite parts of their neighborhood/community.
Draw a picture of their favorite part in their journals.
Set out journals at each seat
Stamp journal pages with today’s date
Review with students what we learned about communities yesterday and review the brainstorming list they made.
Explain that today we are going to read a book called Franklin’s Neighborhood
by Paulette Bourgeois. In this story, we are going to learn about more parts
of a neighborhood.
Read the story.
Ask the students if they learned anything more about neighborhoods and communities and if they would like to add anything
to the brainstorming list. If so, add the new items.
Tell the students that today, they are going to have an assignment just like Franklin.
Today, I want them to think about their favorite parts of the community or neighborhood, and I want them to draw it
in their journals.
Students will return to their seats and draw their favorite parts of their neighborhood or community in their journals.
Cooperating teacher and I will walk around and they can dictate to us what it is.
However, I will encourage them to try to write the words on their own, to the best of their ability.
Extra Challenge or Adaptations:
If students finish early, they can elaborate on their drawing, or they can return to the carpet area to read a book
until center time.
Student will sit on carpet and listen to the read aloud. He will sit with
the group for discussion, even if he does not verbally participate. Using books
from yesterday and today, he will point to a picture to identify what he likes about his neighborhood. Try to get him to make some attempt at drawing/coloring in his journal.
Evaluation or Assessment:
Journal drawings will be used as assessment – not on quality of drawing, but whether or not they followed directions
and drew something that is a part of their neighborhood.